How to Create the Perfect Morning Routine

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Mornings! Whether you love or hate mornings, they’re a part of everyone’s daily routine and they can either make us wish we could just stay in bed forever or they can make us want to pop up and embrace a new day. 

Creating the perfect morning routine seems to be a common struggle for many of us. Often times it’s because we think we’re making up a routine out of thin air, but in actuality, you probably already have one that just needs work. 

If every morning you groan and pull yourself out of bed, walk around with eyes half closed until you chug coffee and rush out the door that’s still a routine — just a really dysfunctional one that became a habit rather than was crafted with intention. 

That’s what we’re here to help you do: Create the Perfect Morning Routine with Intention!

How you start your day often sets the tone for the rest of your day. Taking time to create a morning checklist and sticking to it sets you up for a productive or successful day. 

Alright, so here’s a little peek into my mornings: during the weekdays, I usually wake up around 5:00am (7:00am on the weekends), wash my face, do 15 minutes of yoga, quick walk outside with my pup, hit the gym then get to work — usually no later than 7:30-8am.

If you’re wondering what kind of a profession requires me to get this much stuff done at such an early hour, there isn’t one (yes, I work, but if I didn’t do these things I’d just be mindlessly working and not enjoying a thing!). This is what I do so I can take care of my mind & body, prioritize myself first thing in the morning, then take on the day with confidence!

I used to wake up an hour before my first task or corporate work to simply get ready and go. I didn’t think there was anything particularly wrong with this, it’s just there was nothing in it specifically designed for ME. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon the book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and learned about the miracle morning routine that I made remarkable changes to my morning routine.

Saying I’ve become slightly obsessed with personal development books is an understatement, and The Miracle Morning was exactly what I needed. I’m so happy we’ve moved past the days of being scared of getting caught in the “self-help section” or having to hide those books out of sight in our homes.

The Miracle Morning is all about a few steps that can transform your life and set your day up for success all before 8:00am.

Note: My miracle morning routine is a little bit different than in the book, but some of the steps are the same and then I designed my routine so that it works best for me. 

We’re going to discuss what goes into a good morning routine, design a Morning Routine Checklist and make mornings something you look forward to. Let’s get started!

First things first: Get Enough Sleep!

Your morning routine and the plans you make for yourself will never see the light of day if you’re running on fumes. Your body needs rest and you can’t expect to wake up rested enough to do these things if you go to sleep 3 hours before you want to be up. 

Before you start implementing the steps of your perfect morning routine, I encourage you to track your sleep for at least a week and learn how many hours your body really needs to feel rested. We’re all different and while we know 8-9 hours is recommended by most experts, not everybody will require that amount. Personally, I need 7 exactly. Even if I want a nap my internal clock has a solid laugh and goes “yeah sure honey, I’ll see you in 7 hours.” It’s just how I’m programmed and I feel amazing with that amount. 

If you have an Apple Watch  or Fitbit you can use a sleep tracking app like SleepWatch — my personal favorite! It allows you to see how many hours a night you sleep in your “Trends” tab along with track your sleeping heart rate, restedness, and even do an at-home sleep apnea test if you believe that to be an issue. Another great app is Sleep Cycle and is compatible with iOS or Android devices. 

Once you know what you need in order to wake up rested, you can plan the best time to go to bed and feel ready to take on your mornings.

Now let’s move on to designing your Morning Routine Checklist!

Don’t forget to grab your Blank Morning Routine Checklist at the end of this post so you can design one that’s perfect for you!

Tip #1 - Wake Up Early & Make Your Bed
(less than 5min)

I’m sure you’ve heard this one a million times, but there’s a reason it’s such a popular step…it works! Waking up early allows you to have time for yourself and all the tasks you want to accomplish before getting to work or taking on the day. 

This is a wonderful habit that sets a good pace for the morning, gets you to wake up a little and instantly makes your room look more put together. If you share a bed with someone who wakes up at a different time you can still make your side of the bed. 

Decide how much time you need in order to complete your morning routine and wake up at the right time. Mine takes about 2.5 hours so I wake up around 5:00am in order to complete the steps I want to at a slower pace, then have time to get ready & start my workday no later than 8:00am.

Yes, I know this can sound a bit extreme at first, but I promise it’s so much better than waking up 30 minutes to an hour before you need to begin the day. Hurried Stress is real, y’all!

If your morning routine doesn’t take that long, or takes longer, then you can cater the wake up time and steps to your liking. The goal is to get this routine working FOR YOU! Be selfish with this time and make it a rewarding part of your morning.

Note: If you’re not a morning person or work a late shift, you can still apply these steps. If you have to work at 4:00pm, decide how much time you need to complete your routine and give yourself the appropriate amount of sleep and time beforehand, the same as you would if you started at 8:00am or 9:00am.

How To Wake Up Early & Enjoy It!

Tip #2 - Drink Water
(less than 5min)

As soon as you wake up have a nice, cold glass of water. I always keep an insulated water bottle on my nightstand so it’s right there for me to grab when I wake up. 

I like to have one that’s at least 16-24oz. I have a daily goal to drink at least 100fl oz so you’ve already completed 20% of your daily goal with a 24oz cup. 

When we wake up from a good night’s sleep, our bodies are super dehydrated. Hence the reason breakfast earned it’s name — literally breaking a fast. Drink your water in the morning, y’all.

Tip #3 - Wash Your Face & Quick Shower if You Like

Wash your face. You’re probably reading this saying “um, yeah duh,” but when prioritizing steps in the morning it’s sometimes an easy one to overlook or not value as much as others. I’m guilty of skipping this step at times & just doing a quick moisturizer or mineral facial spray — especially since I rationalized it with the fact that I’d washed my face the night before. 

This step not only helps with anti-aging and caring for your complexion, but it also helps wake you up. I make it a point to do this every morning and it really puts a pep in my step. Plus, it helps maintain a great complexion.

Tip #4 - Journal, Meditation, & Read a Chapter of a Motivational Book

I used to think meditating and journaling was the silliest thing and resembled people sitting around saying “ooum” and starting off with “Dear Diary,” but that’s completely not it! 

After washing my face I sit on my patio or really anywhere that feels relaxing, but I love getting some fresh air that early in the day. There’s something peaceful about the fresh morning air and one of my favorite times of the day! 

I grab my Five Minute Journal and jot down the day’s three gratitudes, intentions that would make my day better and a positive affirmation. The affirmations were probably my biggest struggle since I was coming from a place where I wasn’t speaking positively to myself on a daily basis. I had to think of positive things I would say to friends and write those down. Pretty soon I was able to say good things to and about myself with ease and it changed how I felt about myself throughout the day, as well. 

Following my journaling I play a 10 minute daily guided meditation with the Calm App which can be downloaded for FREE for iOS or Android. I like staying on my patio and doing this or I’ll lay on my bed if it’s a rainy day. Anywhere that’s a quiet place and you can either lay down or sit peacefully to listen, breathe and let the meditation clear your mind. 

Lastly, I read that day’s excerpt from The Daily Stoic. This book has a quick reading for every day of the year which is amazing because I can read it each year over and over and still find different meanings each time. I like to write a little note on the page (or in a blank journal if you prefer) reflecting on how each excerpt applies to what I’m going through or thinking. It’s a great way for me to see how far I’ve come, how my mindset changes over time and remind myself of how much I’ve overcome. 

Hal Elrod recommends reading in the morning when you’re alert vs. reading in the evening before bed, but I personally love falling asleep to a good fiction novel, autobiography or history book, then keeping my mornings focused on my mindset.

I also find it far too easy to read a good book and say “just one more chapter” over and over. Before I know it, the time I created for myself in the mornings is spent reading and not completing tasks I want for myself.

6 Books To Read For Personal Development

Tip #5 - Workout

Movement helps our bodies fully wake up. I take my pup on a quick walk around my complex to get some steps in and enjoy the fresh air before getting a full workout in.

My morning workout isn’t usually an intense one with weight lighting but more along the lines of yoga and pilates. I love using Asana Rebel, which you can easily download on iOS or Android, for short morning guided yoga routines. I only do this for about 10-15 minutes for a good stretch after sleep.

Pilates has a lot of similarities to yoga and they’re often confused with one another but there’s so much more to it. Club Pilates is my studio of choice. There are 6 owned by the same person in my city so I can go to any of them with an unlimited membership. It’s the best way to get the most out of your membership. When looking into joining a location nearest you ask which others are under that studio’s umbrella so you can make the best decision for you. 

If I can’t make it into a studio I’ll use the PilatesProject app for their guided mat workouts. I don’t feel like I get as much out of it as going into the studio and using a Pilates Reformer. If you’re able to fit one of them in your home I highly recommend getting one. You’ll never think of working out the same again and the app has workouts designed to go with Reformers, as well. 

Balanced Body and AeroPilates Reformers are the best ones and Balanced Body makes a majority of the reformers you’ll find in studios across the world. I have my eye on this low-rise Reformer from Balanced Body. It can easily fit under the bed which is a huge plus!

Basically, do whatever you’re in the mood for each morning that will wake me. If you like to run a few miles in the morning or hit the gym, then do that. It doesn’t have to be an insane 1.5 hour session. Just something effective that you enjoy!

Tip #6 - Listen to a Podcast/Audiobook While You Shower & Get Ready for the Day

I used to play music in the mornings but now I save it for my drive to work or have it playing while I work. My mornings have become all about my mindset and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Now, I listen to motivating podcasts, ones focused on mindset & healing, hosted by entrepreneurs I admire or that keep me interested & learning.

If I’m not listening to a podcast I’ll have an audiobook playing. I always want it to be something engaging and that keeps my mind stimulated & growing. Again, my mornings are now about mindset so I’m not playing Harry Potter (no offense J.K. Rowling - you my girl!) I want to listen to audiobooks like Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey, Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis, Atomic Habits by James Clear, Cameron Diaz’s The Longevity Book or The Body Book. This is what I want fueling me and making me think in the morning while I shower and get myself put together.

Also, for those of you who work from home, I still highly suggest getting dressed and putting yourself together. You don’t have to wear business professional/casual attire, but at least put on something other than pajamas. 

Even on the days I’m working from home I wear lounge attire that feels more put together — no oversized t-shirt and boy shorts or running the risk of being caught in my undies by the mailman.


 I have some old sweats that are for the end of the day and true lazy days, then I have nicer ones from Fabletics or my favorite JoJa Butter Leggings with a cute built-in bra tank. It helps me feel more confident, polished and productive throughout the day even when I’m just working from home. 

Tip #7 - Enjoy a Healthy Breakfast

Having more time allows you to enjoy a good breakfast, which is an amazing time-buffer between finishing my morning routine and starting my workday. 

I never used to drink my coffee or tea at home in the mornings because I “didn’t have time”. Now, I have time to make it, let it cool down while I put my breakfast together then enjoy everything without trying to beat the clock.

Because I have more time, I can also make good, nutritious food at home and don’t break the bank stopping for a less nutritious breakfast sandwich somewhere. I’m a big fan of meal prepping, as well so I can easily grab a homemade breakfast sandwich or steel-cut oatmeal jar and simply heat them up and savor the time I’ve created.

I look over my schedule for the day, double-check I have everything I need in my purse, then have time to read Apple News or Morning Brew - if you haven’t heard of Morning Brew yet, do yourself a favor and subscribe. It’s quick and gives a great overview on multiple topics - Plus it’s FREE! 


So there you have it!

My own miracle morning routine that literally changed my life. I also want to point out that as “perfect” as this seems in writing, some days I just don’t feel like doing everything. I’m human too and sometimes I oversleep or my listen to my body when it tells me it doesn’t want more than light yoga and that’s okay! 

I also do most of these steps on the weekends, except a full workout (yoga only and maybe a trail walk). The weekends are slow times for my reflection, relaxation and reset for the next week. 

I do these steps on vacations, too. I don’t wake up at 5:00am but first thing in the morning I still like to do these things for my mental and physical health. The world around us doesn’t take a break just because we do so this is a calm way for me to stay in control of my mindset and body. 

Try one thing at time. As you incorporate these steps into your morning, you’ll notice other tricks that you’ll like to add.

Thanks & We Wish You the Best,
Let’s Do

Here’s a Blank Morning Routine Checklist for you to fill in & design so that it works best for YOU!


How To Wake Up Early & Enjoy It!


How to Create the Perfect Nighttime Routine