How To Create a Home Workout Space

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It’s pretty safe to say that 2020 threw everyone a massive curveball. The changes that year brought us had no limits, including being able to access gyms and fitness studios. Some of us tried to figure out how to achieve quality workouts outdoors or with lower intensity options, many of us fell off our game and plenty of us realized how much we loved working out at home with just a few good pieces of equipment. 

I spent my fair share of time in each one of these scenarios and, while I love having my gym back to normal, I also became a total home workout lover and enjoy having my home workout space, too. 

I like waking up with yoga every morning, completing a barre class from my own bedroom, hitting the mat for a solid pilates session, getting my heartbeat up with a 30-minute cycle, and working on my flexibility with deep stretches before bed. Call me a crazed fitness junkie, but I truly enjoy mixing up my week with each of these exercises (plus hitting the gym for some higher intensity workouts with heavier weights). My favorite workouts are the ones I complete right at home with no second thought of those around me or travel time — plus I have the support (or maybe judgement) of my fur babies!

Creating your home workout space is much easier than you think and doesn’t always require a designated space or room. You can achieve a great workout space that can be tucked away under your bed, inside your closet, or create a corner that’s especially designed to be your workout zone. The possibilities are endless and up to you. This is your space that makes you feel empowered and ready to crush your next workout so make sure it’s an area you love & feel supported. Let’s get to it!

The good news about creating a home workout space is that you don’t need a lot of equipment to do so. You can achieve an effective zone with under 15 items. 

The first step is figuring out whether you want to create a designated space or one that can be easily tucked away. I like my bedroom to feel like a place dedicated to sleep and relaxing, but I also use it for light workouts in the morning and stretches before bed. I opted for a more hidden workout space with some essentials in an easy access space and keep other items out of sight. 

Using a wall mounted storage shelf for your yoga mat, foam roller, resistance bands, yoga block and other small pieces of gear can help with achieving this design. If you’d rather one that doesn’t put holes in your wall you can always use a floor storage rack that’s small enough to stay out of your way.

Yoga Mat

Choosing the right yoga mat seems so easy, but not all yoga mats are created equal. I’ve gone through a much longer trial & error process than I care to remember just to find the perfect yoga mat. I try not to think about the money I’ve spent buying multiple mats because they either held too much sweat and became dangerously slippery, didn’t stay in place during use, were too thin or ripped completely with a simple plank or downward dog. 

I have a bad knee from a previous injury and putting too much pressure on it is excruciating so I had to find a thicker mat that provided enough support. A 5mm yoga mat should be enough cushion, however, you can place a towel underneath your knees or any areas that need extra support when using a regular 1/4” thick yoga mat.

Foam Roller & Trigger Point Ball

This is something I wish I’d added into my fitness routine years ago, but I completely underestimated the power of Trigger Point Foam Rollers and Balls. The first time I used one I was completely hooked and nothing had ever hurt so good! My favorite foam roller is one that has multiple different rivets and designs that can uniquely pinpoint my muscles and pressure points depending on how and where I use them. 

When I worked in a more corporate position I had to wear heels 6-8 hours a day. I’m a total shoe lover but after hours in them my feet were begging for some love. Using a trigger ball while watching Netflix a few times a week made such an improvement for my feet and nerves! 

Arm & Ankle Weights

Including light arm & ankle weights are a must for your home workout gear! I know 2lbs doesn’t sound like it will make a difference but, trust me, they can do a lot for you. Using Arm & Ankle Weights enhances common moves like bird dog, kick-out planks, donkey kicks and they’re especially great for burning calories while working from your desk. I love wearing them during the work day and doing arm lifts or barre movements. They really do take your moves to the next level and you’ll feel the burn after a few repetitions. 


Of course, dumbbells are a must for a home workout space. You don’t have to get an entire setup like your gym. Dumbbells can get seriously high in price, especially when you go over 20 pounds. Once I bought my first pair I started babying the 50+ pound weights at the gym afraid of ever damaging the owner’s crazy expensive equipment. The “Please Don’t Drop Weights” sign definitely wasn’t made because of my actions! 

A weight rack makes it very easy to organize your space and also makes it much easier to not run your toe into free-lying weights — yes, I’m sadly speaking from experience. I also wanted my space to look more feminine and go with the design of my home so I opted for the Blogilates Dumbbells and Weight Rack. I will say they’re more expensive than most and the weight rack is designed to only fit Blogilates Dumbbells, but they’re just so pretty and I’m a very easy target for most businesses! 

There are plenty of cheaper Dumbbells out there and Weight Racks that are a more universal fit. Finding ones that work for you and your space can be very easy; just takes some searching and investment. 

Resistance Bands

Resistance Bands are extremely easy items to use and can really kick your workouts up a notch. They can help activate your glutes, tone thighs, enhance your arm raises, squats, hip thrusts, and more. Using Resistance Bands can be a great substitute for weights you may not be able to acquire and mimic the strength required to lift and move 14-25 lbs, 25-35 lbs, and even 35-50 lbs depending on the resistance level band you choose. I also love that you can take these with you anywhere, making it easy to workout when traveling or putting in hours at the office.

Jump Rope

Playing Jump Rope has been a favorite pastime for many of us. Playing during recess with our friends and a simple rope was a great way for us to get some activity in and put a smile on our face. Using a jump rope provides us with some serious health benefits and allows you to enjoy your workout from home. Try adding this back into your routine and make a game out of it like you did when you were a carefree child.

Ab Roller

Ab rollers are brutal on the abs but you can achieve amazing results with them! Not only do they work to sculpt your abs, but also your entire upper body. These are an easy way to build muscle, burn calories and improve your endurance. They’re easily stowed away and a wonderful addition to your home workout gear.


This has to be one of my all time favorite pieces of equipment for my home workout space! I’m completely obsessed with my BOSU Ball and cannot say enough good things about it. 

The amount of versatility you can achieve with a BOSU Ball is amazing! You can get a total body workout with this one item and really enhance the most basic move by including this item. Holding a plank or doing squats while balancing on this ball makes a huge difference in your body’s power and targets your muscles in a whole new way. They usually way 10-15 pounds as well, so doing burpees that end with lifting the BOSU Ball above your head is another way to pump up your workout. The possibilities are endless with this item!

The best part is how easy it is to store. You can slide this under almost any bed or lay it along the wall in your closet — which is how I store mine. I used to like having a large exercise ball but it was such a pain to have to pump it up and deflate it every time I wanted to workout. The BOSU Ball is a much better addition to workout necessities in my opinion.

Pilates Equipment

Pilates has become very popular over the past few years and I’m so glad I came upon this workout style. As I mentioned, I have a bad knee from a previous injury which makes a lot of workouts and common moves pretty painful. Pilates completely changed that for me and took the pressure and impact away from a lot of my workouts. For anyone who’s looking for a low-impact workout I highly recommend giving Pilates a try! 

You can get a solid pilates workout in with minimal equipment that doesn’t take up much space. You can use a Reformer, Pilates Bar Kit, Box & Pole, Ring or simply use a Pilates Mat for a basic mat routine. 

When it comes to Reformers, they can seem intimidating at first and the big studio grade ones take up a lot of space, but there are plenty of smaller choices you can add into your home. AeroPilates Reformers are more petite and easily stored but they do operate with a lower intensity than others. They’re great for beginners and those of you who are more advanced, but after a while you will probably want some more resistance. The balanced body Metro IQ Reformer is a personal favorite of mine. The balanced body brand is the same one that makes the larger studio reformers found in Club Pilates studios across the country, but they do take up about 6 feet of space. If I had a room in my house dedicated to being a home gym I would love having one of these and a Balance Body Springboard in there but, since I’m trying to keep a multifunctional, tidy home the foldable reformer works best. 

You can also achieve a really intense workout with the Pilates Box & Pole, whether you’re working on your C-Curve or add it on top of your reformer for superman arm pull, swan stretch or horizontal push-ups. I especially love having the Pilates Bar Kit on hand for working out when I travel. It’s easy to connect the pieces and take with you anywhere you go. 

Exercise Barre

If you’re a Barre lover like me I’m sure you’ve tried using your dresser or a dining room chair for balance and found some frustration finding the exact right height or placement for the perfect workout. I finally stopped trying to “make do” with what I’ve got and grabbed the Booty Kicker Exercise Barre and I’m so glad I did! This ballet barre is easily folded in half and stored away in my home and comes with 6 dumbbell holders. Perfect for killing two birds with one stone. You can also attach an iPad holder directly onto the barre to follow along with your workouts if you don’t have a way to do so on your TV. 

TRX Suspension System 

It’s amazing what you can do with just a few straps and TRX Suspension Trainer is one of the best systems you could start using. You can attach the anchors to a door frame, use the system’s wall mount or even take your workout outside and attach them to a tree. On a really pretty day I love working out in nature!

Indoor Cycling Stationary Bike

Of course, an indoor cycling bike is a must for a great home workout space. The Peloton Bike or YOSUDA Indoor Cycling Bike both work amazing and only require a small amount of space — a 4’ x 2’ area is all you need. I like the Peloton Bike most, but it’s definitely an investment. I also don’t pay for the monthly membership through the bike, but rather the Peloton app’s $12.99 membership. You can access it through Apple TV so I simply follow along with the ride on there and save myself the extra $40 a month. The app also comes with yoga, HIIT, running workouts and meditations so you really get more bang for your buck. 

If you’re not ready to take the plunge into the Peloton Bike you can use the YOSUDA Indoor Cycling Bike instead. It works just as well as the Peloton does and you can add your tablet onto the bike or still use the Peloton app for rides accessed through your tablet or TV. It won’t record the same measurements as it would using the Peloton Bike, but if you wear an Apple Watch or FitBit during your workout you can record all the information you really need with that.  

Under-Desk Treadmill

Trying to get your steps in while working from home? An Under Desk Treadmill is the perfect item to include to your home fitness gear. It slides right under your bed or couch, making it an innovative way to burn some calories while you complete tasks that usually require you to be sedentary.

Don’t Forget About Recovery

Taking care of yourself is extremely rewarding, but your body also needs some extra love when it’s going through physical change — even a positive one. Don’t forget to support your body through its recovery process, as well.

Some great ways to do so are by using compressors (no they’re not just for “making you skinnier”). Arm compression sleeves can help speed up recovery and reduce muscle soreness. Remember to replenish your body during recovery from the inside, too. A High Potency Iron Liquid Supplement will help to replenish red blood cells to improve your overall health, athletic performance and maintain your energy.


So, There You Have It!

A home workout space is easier to put together than you might think and doesn’t need a lot of pieces. You can get a lot done with under 20 items that can be kept out of sight when not in use or they can take up a small area in your home if you want your own personal home gym. 

Thanks & We Wish You the Best!
Let’s Do


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