5 Ways to Turn your Bedroom into a Sanctuary

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Our well-being takes more than a visit to the gym and eating healthy food. We spend so much of our time in our homes, but even more in our bedrooms. This space is used for us to relax and feel refreshed, but it’s going to be pretty hard to successfully do this if our bedroom doesn’t feel like our own personal sanctuary. 

Below are just a handful of tips that will help you create a bedroom that is welcoming & makes you feel like you’re in heaven when you go to sleep and wake up! 

01. Sight

Paint Colors

Choose soothing paint colors that support your ability to wind down each night. Cooler paint tones such as soft blues, greens and purples are great for creating a calming vibe in your bedroom and are easily paired with other colors and elements you may choose. The Prestige Paints Interior Paint and Primer in One is a great option and has over 40 different colors to choose from that would work well in a bedroom.

Color Palette Design - Linens, Furniture, Wall Accents

Decide on what you want your comforter, pillows, furniture and wall accents to do for your space. When your walls have a cleaner look to them rather than act as a statement, you can let the other elements in your room make a statement for you instead. I usually prefer to change up my room’s look with these pieces instead of my wall color because, let’s be honest, who wants to go through painting their room again that often?

Here are some options that can make your bedroom instantly look more welcoming!

When adding furniture, look for neutral items that will easily connect with the colors and design of your bedroom. Caramel, oak and white dressers tend to work best for this situation.

Other items that add the perfect touch to your bedroom are mirrors, decor, and shelves for your next reading choices. Try not to have a large bookshelf filled with your favorite books in order to eliminate clutter. Having a set of floating shelves that can be home to the book you’re currently reading, next in line after you’ve finished and your journal make a space functional yet not too overused.

Natural Elements

Bringing life into your bedroom is always a sure-fire way to make your bedroom feel like your own oasis. Adding spider plants, snake plants and Boston ferns. They are very easy to maintain and have toxin-fighting powers. 

02. Touch

First things first, you need a comfy bed! We all have different sleep preferences when it comes to our bed, but having a bed that suits your needs is an absolute must! The most amazing beds I’ve ever owned were the ones that come in a box. Don’t underestimate the hype of these gems!

Luxurious Linens, Pillows & Blankets are key elements to making your bedroom feel like a true sanctuary. You want to have items that make you instantly feel comforted and at peace as soon as you rest your head.

The sheets you sleep on make a huge difference in how your bed feels and how much you look forward to cozying up into them every night. Bamboo and Eucalyptus sheets help keep you cool during sleep and are some of the softest materials you’ll ever sleep on!

Very few things make your bed feel more comfortable than a Down Feather Comforter. It’s one of the greatest luxuries a bed can have!

03. Smell

Having a Signature Scent shouldn’t only be reserved for your perfume choices. When you walk into your bedroom you should smell a scent that you only smell in this room. Choose something that instantly soothes you such as lavender or jasmine. By assigning a specific scent to your bedroom your brain will process that you’re in a place designed for calming practices and will help you to begin winding down more naturally.

Try using a diffuser so the scent stays present in your room, but candles are always a lovely option, as well.

04. Sound

Creating sounds of nature help turn your bedroom into a natural escape from the loud world we are exposed to every day. Try incorporating a sound machine to help you drift off to sleep. The Hatch Restore Sound Machine, Bedside Reading Light, Personal Sleep Routine & Sunrise Alarm is the perfect addition to transform your environment and sleep quality. This alarm clock comes packed with meditations and soundscapes proven to help you fall asleep faster, stay peacefully asleep and wake up to what feels like a natural sunrise without blaring alarms.

05. Feel

What is your bedroom’s overall vibe? Find your personal style & inspiration to make your bedroom feel like it’s truly your sacred space. No one’s style is the exact same. Whether your prefer a boho, modern, vintage, Victorian, Scandinavian, or Color-Block your bedroom will always have its own personal flare and will not look exactly like someone else’s. Get creative & be honest with yourself about how you truly want your bedroom to make you feel.

Extra Tips to Make Your Bedroom Feel & Look Like a Sanctuary:

  • Remove Items That Don’t Belong in Your Bedroom

    If your bedroom is an easy space for you to toss items you’re no longer using before bed, make some habit changes. Stop eating snacks in bed that cause you to wake up to dirty dishes. Get rid of “that chair” — all of us have one and it’s the enemy of a clean & welcoming space.

  • Let the Light In!

    Open your curtains & blinds and let natural light into your room! If you’re able to sleep in a little less than pitch black, leave them open at night, as well. Depending on the location of light access to your bedroom window at night, this can be a very calming experience and feel like you’re sleeping under the stars.

  • Make Your Bed

    Every. Single. Day! Seriously, make your bed! An instant pick-me-up to your room’s aesthetic is having a bed that’s made. It’s also a simple step to help you wake up in the morning and keep you from falling back asleep.

  • Declutter & Simplify

    Remove items that no longer bring you peace in your bedroom. Think outdated decor, jewelry stations that are only home to one or two pieces you commonly wear, furniture that doesn’t go with the aesthetic you’re trying to achieve, stuff you have because “one day you may use it.” If it doesn’t have a purpose there, move it to its rightful home or throw it out.

  • Change Your Lighting

    Add lamps to your nightstand, change your ceiling fan or light, add string lights to your headboard, whatever you prefer. Avoid using bright white, fluorescent or incandescent light bulbs. These emit the most UV radiation and cause damage to your eyes. Use a warm or neutral white light temperature to create a soothing, yet functional bedroom atmosphere.

These are just a few tips to help you get started with transforming your bedroom into the perfect sanctuary! As you start making changes you’ll find other methods that work for you & we can’t wait to see what beautiful creations you put together. Hopefully this helped you take the next steps!

Thanks & We Wish You the Best,
Let’s Do


Environment is Everything!