Sustainable Communities

A sustainable community takes into account, and addresses, multiple human needs, not just one at the exclusion of all others. It is a place where people of diverse backgrounds and perspectives feel welcome and safe, where every group has a seat at the decision-making table, and where prosperity is shared.

A few of the organizations below are local to me here in Nashville, but almost every city in the world has an organization that’s goal is to better its community. Do a little research and find the closest one to you so you can do your part and give back to your community.

Hands On Nashville

Hands On Nashville’s mission is to meet needs through volunteerism. They are home to a large database of nonprofits and community organizations that need assistance and also provide an easy way for you get involved through volunteering, whether it be planting trees, cleaning up a neighborhood, offering disaster support, assisting with homeless shelters, etc. Taking care of a community takes less work than we think it does when we all work together!

Operation Lightshine

I can’t sing enough praise when it comes to Operation Lightshine! This team of ex-marines and true heroes fights to “shine a light of hope into the dark underworld of human trafficking and child sexual exploitation.”

Our world and children have become more susceptible to human trafficking than ever imagined with the growth of technology. Our technology can be a wonderful thing, but it can also be used as an extremely dangerous tool for those looking to harm others. As someone who has had way too close of a call with this issue, I feel better knowing there are people like Matt Murphy and his team of professionals working to keep our communities safe from predators. Operation Lightshine works to find predators and stop human trafficking and child exploitation internationally and domestically. 


Knowledge is Power