7 Reasons to be Active Every Day

We’re all aware that being active and healthy is important and provides us with several benefits. We’ve been told that exercising and eating healthy makes us feel better, look better, live longer, etc. but there’s so much more we gain from being active than this. 

Being active daily & creating a healthy routine can help us achieve the most out of our lives. It can change our lives entirely and allow us to lead a life we love. 

As mentioned before, the benefits are countless! We encourage you to start getting active to see just how many benefits daily activity can offer you & discover how much your life can change. 

Here is a list of some of the reasons!

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1) Improve Your Overall Appearance

When we think of being active, this benefit is probably the first thing that comes to mind.

Being active helps prevent weight gain, keeps us in shape, assists us with achieving glowing skin and allows you to look fresh and younger.

There are plenty of options for us to choose from. Not everyone’s journey to becoming active has to look the same. We all have different preferences, body types, genetics and opportunities. 

Taking the next steps towards being more active doesn’t have to be going super hard at the gym every day. It can look like 

  • Setting a step goal & getting outside for walks more often

  • Getting comfortable in a gym a few days a week

  • Waking up with yoga, pilates or stretching

  • Taking the stairs vs. the elevator

  • Riding your bike through the park or a stationary cycling bike

  • Running and enjoying the route you take

2) Being Healthy Can Help us Achieve our Dreams

Without your health, you’ve got nothing!
— Ric Flair

When we’re unhealthy, it’s hard to find the will or ability to do anything. This goes beyond the physical fitness standpoint. The unhealthy actions we live by bleed into the unhealthy thoughts and dreams we live by, as well. 

The same is true with being active and healthy. When we are active and healthy we are able to lead a good life and future. Living a more active life rather than one consumed by technology and TV allows us to realize our true passions and also creates a space for us to believe in ourselves. We can prove to ourselves that we are capable; we place value on ourselves. It doesn’t take long for us to begin thinking even bigger and making our dreams come true!

3) It Can Be Great For Social Life 

Having a workout buddy is extremely popular and for good reason — we’re social creatures, even those of us who are more introverted. Having a friend to cheer us on  in times of change helps us follow through with our goals. We feel supported and they help hold us accountable. 

Getting involved in group classes also helps us to meet new people who share the same goals as us. I personally like working out with weights in the gym alone and also take pilates classes most days of the week. While in the gym, I’m usually not too social, but I’ve met people by asking for someone to spot me or by attending a group class. My classmates from Pilates are one of my top reasons for showing up — plus the instructors have become some of my favorite people!

Instead of meeting in a café, invite your friend to a fitness class, to the gym or on a hike with you. Try something different and share an active mindset with others!

4) It Boosts your Immune System & Strengthens your Health

Being active is one of the best things that you can do for your body. Exercise naturally increases our white blood cell production, which are the cells of the immune system involved in protecting the body against infectious disease and foreign invaders. This helps prevent us from getting sick along with fighting illnesses that make their way into our bodies, allowing us to feel better faster.

Being physically active also has a major effect on HDL-C — the “good” cholesterol — which maintains a good level of insulin, decreases the risk of stroke, diabetes, many types of cancer, arthritis, etc.

5) Being Healthy & Active is the Key to Happiness

A sound mind lives in a sound body. Being active and healthy is truly the key to happiness!

As we mentioned before, unhealthy actions can easily turn into unhealthy thoughts — filling our minds with worry, self doubt, stress, depression and anxiety. A healthy body gives our minds the right environment to relax and flourish. When doing any kind of physical activity, our brain releases endorphins, which are crucial for feeling good and happy. 

Physical activity also decreases the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, so if you’re feeling down, try getting in a workout, outdoor walk, yoga for meditation, cleaning your apartment — anything that gets you up and moving.

On top of feeling less anxious, once you see the results of being active every day you will feel more confident and satisfied with yourself, fueling you with even more happiness.

6) Speed Up Recovery from Injuries & Sickness

I know it seems counterproductive to say getting movement in helps when you’re recovering from an injury or sickness, but it’s truly the best medicine. While taking some time to rest and feel better is needed the goal is not to stay on bedrest until you’re feeling 100% again.

Studies have shown that light exercises can actually relieve and treat chronic pain. Think of the services physical therapists provide to patients who are recovering from surgery, injuries or have specific areas of pain. They help them perform the right stretches, work with them on flexibility and recommend light exercises. The less you use your muscles the more energy you will need to re-activate them. This is the scenario you want to avoid and it’s possible by being active daily.

Now, I’m not saying get up out of your hospital bed and hit the gym like nothing happened. Start with light exercises (walking, yoga, pilates) to ease the pain, rejuvenate your immune system and strengthen your muscles then gradually increase as needed. And always always always consult your physician first!

Our bodies are marvelous machines that can repair themselves from damage and illness, but they do need our help along the way. Fueling your body with healthy food and daily activity can provide you with amazing healing results. Listen to your body. It knows what it needs to survive & recover better than you think.

7) Naturally Improves a Good Night’s Sleep

It should come as no shock that your body will crave a good night of sleep after increased movement. 

Exercising reduces stress levels even hours after your activity. Many people who suffer from insomnia have increased levels of stress hormones, keeping them awake longer. A simple aerobic exercise an hour before bed can also help you wind down. 


Finally, we can see that being active should become a part of our everyday routine. Find what you enjoy. Whether it be going to the gym, taking up yoga,  joining a pilates class or fitness community, or just dedicating time to get your steps in each day. There are so many amazing benefits physical activity can bring us & we’re so excited for you to find what works best for you.

Thanks & we wish you the best,
Let’s Do
Better Together!


How to Start a Healthy Lifestyle for Total Newbies!